Virtues of the First Decade of Ramadan

First decade

The Holy month of the Islamic calendar Ramadan comes from the Arabic word ramad which means intense heat or dryness. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar based on lunar months. It was started in the city of Madinah in Saudi Arabia. 

When Muslims of Makkah migrated to the city of Medina in 622 AD after two years the verses about fasting in Ramadan were revealed, with Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) establishing the holy month’s practices in their new home.

What do Muslims do in Ramadan?

Muslims eat at Sahoor in the morning and do not eat anything throughout the day, then break their fast when the Maghrib call to prayer is given. They worship more and more and strengthen their spiritual connection with Allah.

How many decades are there in Ramadan?

There are three decades of Ramadan 

  1. The first 10 days reflect Blessings. (Rehmat)
  2. The eleventh to 20th day reflects Forgiveness.  (Maghfirat)
  3. While the last 10 days reflect Salvation. (Nijat)

Virtues of the First Decade:

Undoubtedly, the entire month of Ramadan is full of excellence, mercy, and blessings. But each decade has its virtues like, in the first decade of Ramadan, the series of blessings begins. Allah Almighty bestows mercy on His righteous servant.

Dua os this decade:

Translation: “O! My Lord forgives and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful” [Quran 23:118]

Ramadan is a time of acceptance of prayers. It is a gift from Allah to the Muslim Ummah. Fasting not only improves our spiritual but also our physical health. Beg for mercy from Allah. Verily He is the Acceptor of duas.

Things to do in the First Decade:

a) Dhikr with abundance:

Remember Allah again and again. Recite the durood shareef and holy names of Allah so that your faith shines.

b) Forgiveness of sins should be sought:

Ask for forgiveness for your sins, indeed he is Forgiving. Try to do good deeds. Do such actions that Allah will be pleased with you.

c) Cultivate good  habits within yourself:

Cultivate good habits of self-restraint. Try to be a good Muslim. Follow the religious path. Bring courage to yourself. Learn to be patient.

d) Should pray frequently:

Increase the abundance of prayers because these hours are of acceptance, your prayers can be accepted at any time.

e) Improve your morals:

Improve your morals and get rid of anger, it leads you to sins. Every action of yours will be accounted for on the Day of Resurrection. Islam teaches us good morals.


The auspicious month appears in our lives every year with its virtues. Each decade has its special significance. In the first decade, the shadows of blessings are covered. Allah Almighty sends showers of blessings to his servants. The value of your every good deed increases. Your connection with Allah becomes stronger. Your good deeds bring you closer to Allah. Your faith becomes fresh.  Understand the virtues of this decade and take full advantage of its mercy.


What is the dua for the 1st decade of Ramadan?

“O! My Lord forgives and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful” [Quran 23:118]

What is the significance of the first decade of Ramadan?

It is a time when Allah showers his countless blessings and mercy on His servants.

Can fasting during Ramadan weaken the immune system?

Fasting during Ramadan does not weaken your immune system . Research suggests that fasting can have potential health benefits.

What are the special actions associated with the first 10 days of Ramadan?

  1. Perform good deeds
  2. Incrase act of worship
  3. Recitation of Quran
  4. Act of charity

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