The Role of a Husband in Islam Responsibilities and Manners Towards His Wife

The Role of a Husband in Islam Responsibilities and Manners Towards His Wife

The Role of a Husband in Islam Responsibilities and Manners Towards His Wife The “wazifa to make your wife happy” is intended for those who wish to have a better and more joyful life with their wives. This wazifa can be a helpful practice in fostering love and understanding in your wife’s heart.

One simple and well-known wazifa is

“سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ”

Try to recite this wazifa 100 times daily, preferably during the time between Fajr (morning) and Isha (evening) prayers. Along with this, consider the following important points:

  1. Permission for Happiness: Allow your wife to pursue her interests and fulfill her wishes. Spend quality time with her.
  2. Respect and Etiquette: Show respect and courtesy towards your wife and obey her wishes.
  3. Compromise and Understanding: Strive to reach compromises and understanding with your wife. Listen to her and consider her opinions.
  4. Prayer and Seeking Forgiveness: Pray to Allah for strengthening your relationship and filling it with love. Establishing a habit of seeking forgiveness (Astaghfar) is also beneficial, as it purifies the soul from sins.

It’s important to remember that making your wife happy involves being understanding, loving, and respectful. The aim of this wazifa and these practices is to strengthen your relationship and infuse it with love and understanding.

Meaning Of This Ayat

The Arabic phrase “سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ” (SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil-Azeem) translates to “Glory be to Allah, and all praise is due to Him, and Allah is the Greatest.”

This phrase is a form of dhikr (remembrance) and is often recited by Muslims to praise and glorify Allah. It is a way of acknowledging Allah’s greatness, His perfection, and expressing gratitude and admiration for Him. Muslims recite this phrase to seek forgiveness, purify their hearts, and increase their connection with Allah. It is a common and highly regarded form of remembrance in Islamic tradition.

The status of a wife in Islam.

In Islam, the position of a wife is highly esteemed and respected. The Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) emphasize the importance of a wife as the manager of the household and the companion of her husband. From an Islamic perspective, a wife’s status is outlined through specific guidelines and responsibilities:

  1. Respect and Courtesy: Islam mandates that a wife be treated with respect and courtesy. Husbands are instructed to honor their wives and treat them justly.
  2. Participation in Society: A wife is encouraged to actively participate in society and uphold her rights within the community.
  3. Shared Household Management: While Islam designates the husband as the head of the household, it also emphasizes the importance of mutual consultation in family matters. Both spouses have the right to participate in decision-making regarding household affairs.
  4. Love and Peace: The establishment of love and a peaceful atmosphere within the home is highly encouraged in Islam. Building love and a harmonious life together is considered a blessing in Islam.
  5. Financial Support: It is the husband’s responsibility to provide financial support for his wife, including her food, clothing, and shelter.
  6. Piety and Worship: Both spouses are encouraged to maintain piety (God-consciousness) and engage in acts of worship. Assisting each other in matters of faith is also considered significant.
  7. Patience and Wisdom: The practice of patience and wisdom in dealing with one another is essential. Resolving issues with love and understanding is encouraged.

From an Islamic perspective, both husbands and wives are expected to understand and fulfill their rights and responsibilities while striving for a life filled with love and affection.

What should a husband provide to his wife

In Islam, a husband should treat his wife with respect and love. Here are some manners and responsibilities that a husband should practice towards his wife:

  1. Respect and Courtesy: It is important for a husband to treat his wife with respect and courtesy. Listen to her opinions and consider her feelings.
  2. Presence and Participation: Acknowledge and encourage your wife’s presence and participation in various aspects of life. Pay attention to her views and spend quality time together.
  3. Financial Support (Nafaqah): Providing financial support to your wife is a husband’s responsibility. This includes covering her expenses such as food, clothing, and shelter.
  4. Faithfulness and Trustworthiness: Be faithful and trustworthy in your relationship. Maintain honesty and trust with your wife.
  5. Love and Happiness: Build love and happiness with your wife. Cultivate a loving and friendly relationship, expressing your love and affection.
  6. Worship and Religious Assistance: Support your wife in her faith and religious pursuits. Help her in matters of worship and spiritual growth if she desires.
  7. Understanding and Communication: Develop a communication style that involves understanding and listening to your wife. Address issues with patience and open communication.
  8. Compliments and Respect: Offer compliments and show respect to your wife. Express appreciation for her qualities and contributions.

These manners and responsibilities help a husband build a strong and loving relationship with his wife. Understanding and valuing your wife, while practicing respect and love, are key to a successful marriage in Islam.


A husband should provide his wife with love, respect, financial support, companionship, trust, and assistance in her religious pursuits. These qualities and responsibilities help nurture a strong and harmonious marital relationship based on mutual respect and love.

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