Teesra Kalma Read Online

Teesra Kalma Read Online

Teesra Kalma Read Online The “Teesra Kalma” is an integral component of Islamic teachings, commonly known as the Third Kalima or Declaration. It holds profound significance for Muslims worldwide, encapsulating fundamental beliefs and affirmations of faith. This concise yet powerful declaration serves as a testament to the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of the final Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him).

By uttering the Teesra Kalma, believers express their commitment to these core tenets of Islam, fostering a strong sense of spiritual connection and devotion to the principles that guide their lives. This Kalima stands as a reminder of the central beliefs that unite the Muslim community and offers a foundation upon which individuals can build their relationship with Allah and their fellow human beings.

What is teesra kalma 

“Yes, the ‘Teesra Kalma’ or ‘Teesri Kalma’ is an important part of Islam. It is the third declaration among the three kalmas, also known as the ‘Kalma Tamjeed.’ This kalma holds great significance for Muslims, as it expresses the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This declaration distinguishes Muslims from Jews and Christians and serves as a mark of sincere followers of Islam. In this kalma, Muslims acknowledge the greatness and majesty of Allah.”

Teesra kalma read online

Benefits of teesra kalma

The “Teesra Kalma” or the “Teesri Kalma” holds spiritual and theological significance within Islam. While there isn’t an extensive literature specifically outlining the benefits of this particular declaration, it is understood that reciting and understanding the Teesra Kalma can bring several benefits to believers. Here are a few potential benefits:

Strengthening Faith:

Reciting the Teesra Kalma reaffirms the core beliefs of monotheism (Tauheed) and the finality of prophethood (Risalat), which are fundamental aspects of Islamic faith. Doing so can strengthen a Muslim’s belief in these foundational principles.

Spiritual Connection:

Uttering the Teesra Kalma fosters a deep spiritual connection with Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This connection can lead to a sense of inner peace, contentment, and closeness to the Divine.

Remembrance and Gratitude:

The Teesra Kalma involves praising and glorifying Allah’s greatness and majesty. Reciting it helps believers remember Allah’s attributes and express gratitude for His blessings.

Unity and Identity:

By reciting the Teesra Kalma, Muslims reaffirm their identity as followers of Islam and their commitment to its principles. This declaration serves as a unifying factor among Muslims from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community.

Protection from Misguidance:

Reciting the Teesra Kalma can serve as a shield against incorrect beliefs and practices. It reinforces correct theological understanding and guards against misconceptions.

Educational Tool:

Teaching the Teesra Kalma to new Muslims, children, or those interested in Islam can provide a basic understanding of Islamic beliefs, allowing for a stronger foundation in the faith.

Spiritual Reflection:

Reciting the Teesra Kalma encourages believers to reflect upon the significance of the words being spoken. This introspection can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of faith.

It’s important to note that the spiritual benefits of reciting any part of the Quran or Islamic teachings are believed to be numerous and deeply personal. Muslims find solace, guidance, and a sense of purpose through their devotion to these teachings.


 The “Teesra Kalma” or “Teesri Kalma” stands as a testament to the core principles of Islam, emphasizing the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ. While specific benefits of reciting this declaration might not be explicitly outlined, its recitation holds intrinsic value for Muslims. It reinforces faith, nurtures a spiritual connection with the Divine, and serves as a unifying factor within the Muslim community. By praising Allah’s greatness and affirming these fundamental beliefs, believers not only strengthen their faith but also find a sense of identity, protection from misconceptions, and opportunities for personal growth. Ultimately, the “Teesra Kalma” serves as a reminder of the profound teachings that guide the lives of Muslims, fostering a deeper understanding of the faith’s core principles and nurturing a strong bond between individuals and their Creator.

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