Surah Az Zukhruf Read Online

Surah Az Zukhruf Read Online

Surah Az Zukhruf Read Online Located in the 25th Parah of the Holy Quran, Surah Az Zukhruf is the 43rd Surah. In this Surah, there are 89 verses, 939 words, 3549 letters, and it is revealed in Makka, hence the name “Makki” Surah. This surah is known as the Gold Surah.

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Surah Az Zukhruf Verses Surah Az Zukhruf Words Surah Az Zukhruf letters Surah Az Zukhruf Rukus
89 939 3549 7

Surah Az Zukhruf (سورة الزخرف)


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