Surah Az Zilzal Read Online

Surah Az Zilzal Read Online

Surah Az Zilzal Read Online Located in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran, Surah Az Zilzal is the 99th Surah. There are eight verses, 39 words, 158 letters in this Surah, and it is revealed in the Medina, so-called the “Madni” Surah. This surah is called the earthquake surah

Surah Az Zilzal Read Online

The term Az Zilzal translates to “The Earthquake,” reflecting the surah theme, which describes the events that will unfold on the Day of Judgment, including the earthquakes and the presentation of deeds for accountability.

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8 39 158 1

Surah Az Zilzal (سورۃالزلزلۃ)

Benefits Of Suirah Az Zilzal

Surah Az Zilzal is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Az Zilzal.

  • Reminder of the Day of Judgment: The surah serves as a reminder of the events that will transpire on the Day of Judgment, prompting believers to reflect on their actions and strive for righteousness.
  • Fear of Accountability: Surah Az Zilzal instills a sense of fear and awareness of being held accountable for one deeds. Reciting it is believed to encourage individuals to lead a more conscious and virtuous life.
  • Reflection on the Afterlife: The surah prompts believers to reflect on the reality of the afterlife and the consequences of their actions. Reciting it is associated with a heightened awareness of the transient nature of this world.
  • Seeking Protection from Punishment: Some believe that regularly reciting Surah Az Zilzal can act as a means of seeking protection from the punishments and hardships of the Day of Judgment.
  • Encouragement for Good Deeds: The surah encourages believers to engage in righteous actions and lead a life in accordance with Islamic principles. Reciting it is seen as a motivation for positive behavior.
  • Seeking Allah Mercy: Believers recite Surah Az Zilzal to seek Allah’s mercy on the Day of Judgment. It is considered a supplication for divine forgiveness and guidance.
  • Reflecting on Earthquakes: As the surah mentions earthquakes as a sign of the Day of Judgment, some interpret it as a reminder of the power and might of Allah. Reciting it is associated with acknowledging the Creator authority.
  • Enhancing Faith: The surah is recited to enhance one’s faith and belief in the unseen, including the events of the afterlife. It serves as a means of strengthening the connection with Allah.


Surah Az Zilzal the 99th chapter of the Holy Quran found in the 30th Parah, is a Madinan Surah with eight verses, 39 words, and 158 letters. Revealed in Madina, it is titled “The Earthquake.” The surah serves as a powerful reminder of the events unfolding on the Day of Judgment, emphasizing accountability, the transient nature of this world, and the seeking of Allah’s mercy. Those interested can read Surah Az Zilzal online or download it in PDF format.


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