Surah At Tin Read Online

Surah At Tin Read Online

Surah At Tin Read Online Located in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran, Surah At Tin is the 95th Surah. Known as the Makki Surah, it contains 8 verses, 39 words, 157 letters, and it is revealed in Makka. The Fig is the name of this surah.

Surah At Tin Read Online

Despite its brevity, Surah At Tin carries profound lessons about human nature, divine wisdom and the importance of gratitude and obedience to Allah.

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Surah At Tin (سورۃ التین)

Benefits Of  Surah At Tin

Surah At-Tin is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. Here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah At-Tin.

  • Remembrance of Human Excellence: The surah highlights the concept of human excellence, emphasizing that Allah created humans in the best form. Reciting it serves as a reminder of the innate potential for virtue within each individual.
  • Reflection on Divine Wisdom: Surah At Tin encourages believers to reflect upon Allah signs and wisdom, fostering a deeper understanding of the Creator design and purpose for humanity.
  • Gratitude and Humility: The mention of the fig, olive, Mount Sinai, and the city of security in the surah symbolizes blessings and sacred places. Reciting it is associated with cultivating gratitude and humility towards Allah for His creations and favors.
  • Seeking Protection from Degradation: The surah warns against the consequences of rejecting the truth and ingratitude. Believers recite it to seek protection from degradation and to remain steadfast in faith.
  • Spiritual Upliftment: Surah At Tin is believed to provide spiritual upliftment and a sense of connection with Allah. Reciting its verses is seen as a means of drawing closer to the divine and finding solace in His guidance.
  • Reflection on Human Choices: The surah underscores the importance of human choices in determining one path. Reciting it encourages self-reflection on one actions and decisions.
  • Protection from Negativity: Some believe that regularly reciting Surah At Tin can act as a shield against negativity and negative influences, promoting a more positive and righteous lifestyle.


Surah At Tin the 95th chapter in the Quran found in the 30th Parah, is a Makki Surah with 8 verses, 39 words, and 157 letters, revealed in Makka. Titled “The Fig,” it imparts profound lessons on human nature, divine wisdom, and the importance of gratitude to Allah. Despite its brevity, the surah emphasizes spiritual upliftment, reflection on choices, and protection from negativity. Read online or download for spiritual benefits.

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