Surah An Naziat Read Online

Surah An Naziat Read Online

Surah An Naziat Read Online Located in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran, Surah An Naziat is the 79th Surah. Known as the “Makki” Surah because it was revealed in “Makka” and contains 46 verses, 194 words, and 776 letters. THOSE WHO DRAG FORWARD is the name of this surah.

Surah An Naziat Read Online

It explores themes of resurrection, accountability, and the consequences of human actions. Muslims recite it for spiritual connection and seek guidance. The title refers to those who forcefully extract the souls during resurrection. You can easily read Surah An-Naziat online to reflect on its teachings and gain spiritual insights.

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46 194 776 2

Surah An Naziat (سورة النازعات)

Benefits Of Surah An Naziat

While specific beliefs may vary among individuals, some common perceived benefits of reciting Surah An-Naziat from the Quran include:

Spiritual Connection: Reciting this Surah is believed to strengthen one connection with Allah and deepen their spirituality.

Protection: Some believe that reciting Surah An-Naziat can provide protection from spiritual and worldly harms.

Guidance: The Surah imparts guidance on the themes of resurrection, accountability, and the consequences of human actions, encouraging believers to lead righteous lives.

Reward in the Hereafter: Muslims believe that engaging with Quranic verses, including Surah An-Naziat, will bring reward in the afterlife.

Reflection: Reciting and reflecting upon Surah An-Naziat is thought to offer insights into the deeper meanings of life and the importance of moral conduct.


Surah An Naziat, the 79th chapter of the Holy Quran, holds a special place in the 30th Parah. Revealed in Makka, it contains 46 verses, 194 words, and 776 letters, and its title, “THOSE WHO DRAG FORWARD,” reflects its theme of resurrection and accountability. Muslims recite it for spiritual connection, seeking protection, guidance, and anticipating rewards in the Hereafter. Reading Surah An Naziat online provides an opportunity for reflection on its teachings, offering insights into the profound meanings of life and the significance of moral conduct.




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