Surah Al Qariah Read Online

Surah Al Qariah Read Online

Surah Al Qariah Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Al Qariah is found in Parah 30. There are 11 verses in this Surah, 39 words, and 160 letters in it. The Surah is also referred to as the “Makki” Surah because it was revealed in Makka. The Striking Hour is the name of this surah.

Surah Al Qariah Read Online

Muslims often recite Surah Al Qariah in their prayers and seek its spiritual benefits, including protection from calamities and success in this life and the hereafter.

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11 39 160 1

Surah Al Qariah (سورۃالقارعۃ)


Benefits Of Surah Al Qariah

Surah Al Qariah the 101st chapter of the Quran, is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Al Qariah .

  • Protection from Calamities: Some believe that regularly reciting Surah Al Qariah can act as a means of seeking protection from calamities and disasters.
  • Financial Prosperity: It is believed by some that reciting this surah may bring about financial prosperity and success in one endeavors.
  • Safety from Poverty: Surah Al Qariah is recited by some seeking safety from poverty and financial difficulties.
  • Removal of Sins: The recitation of this surah is thought to contribute to the removal of sins and the attainment of Allah’s forgiveness.
  • Increased Sustenance: Believers recite Surah Al Qariah with the hope of increased sustenance and provision from Allah.
  • Protection from the Trials of the Day of Judgment: The surah highlights the importance of righteous deeds, and reciting it is believed to protect individuals from the trials and tribulations of the Day of Judgment.
  • Spiritual Upliftment: The verses of Surah Al Qariah are associated with spiritual upliftment, bringing a sense of tranquility and closeness to Allah.
  • Enhanced Understanding of Accountability: Reciting this surah encourages believers to reflect on their deeds and accountability before Allah. It fosters a sense of consciousness about the consequences of one actions.


Surah Al Qariah found in Parah 30 of the Holy Quran, consists of 11 verses, 39 words, and 160 letters. As a “Makki” Surah revealed in Makka, it is known as “The Striking Hour.” Muslims recite it for spiritual benefits, seeking protection from calamities and success. The surah encourages reflection on accountability, removal of sins, and financial prosperity. It instills a sense of consciousness about the consequences of one actions and fosters spiritual upliftment.

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