Surah Al Maun Read Online

Surah Al Maun Read Online

Surah Al Maun Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Al Maun is the 107th Surah and found in the 30th Parah. There are 7 verses, 27 words, 114 letters in this Surah, which is called the Makki Surah because it was revealed in Makka. A Famous Arab Tribe is the name of this surah.

Surah Al Maun Read Online

The surah serves as a reminder of the moral and ethical values that should guide individuals in their social and community interactions. Muslims recite Surah Al Maun to reinforce the importance of compassion, charity, and community welfare in their daily lives.

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Surah Verses Surah Words Surah letters Surah Rukus
7 27 114 1

Surah Al Maun

Benefits Of Surah Al Maoon 

Surah Al Maun found in the Quran, is a short but impactful chapter consisting of seven verses. Its name translates to “Small Kindnesses” or “Neighborly Needs.” The surah emphasizes the importance of small acts of kindness and compassion towards others. Some of the benefits associated with reciting and reflecting upon Surah Al Maun include

  • Emphasis on Charity: The surah highlights the significance of helping those in need, especially in small and simple ways. It encourages acts of charity and kindness towards neighbors and those less fortunate.
  • Community Building: By promoting acts of kindness and assistance within the community, Surah Al Maun contributes to the development of a compassionate and supportive society.
  • Spiritual Growth: Reflecting on the surah encourages believers to cultivate a humble and charitable mindset, fostering personal spiritual growth and a closer connection with Allah.
  • Reminder of Accountability: The surah serves as a reminder that individuals will be held accountable for their actions, even seemingly small ones. This reinforces the concept of accountability in both religious and ethical contexts.
  • Building Good Character: The emphasis on small acts of kindness in Surah Al Maun contributes to the development of good character and moral values, promoting a sense of empathy and consideration for others.
  • Interconnectedness of Deeds: The surah underscores the interconnectedness of deeds, highlighting that acts of kindness, no matter how small, have a positive impact not only on individuals but also on the overall well-being of the community.
  • Reward in the Hereafter: Believers are reminded that their charitable actions, even the seemingly minor ones, will be rewarded by Allah in the Hereafter, reinforcing the idea that every good deed, no matter how small, holds significance in the sight of Allah.


Surah Al Maun the 107th surah in the Quran, emphasizes small acts of kindness and charity. Revealed in Makka, it comprises 7 verses, 27 words, and 114 letters. This Makki Surah serves as a guide for ethical conduct, promoting compassion and community welfare. Reflecting on it fosters spiritual growth, accountability, and the interconnectedness of deeds. Believers are reminded of divine rewards for even the smallest acts of goodness in the Hereafter.

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