Surah Al Lail Read Online

Surah Al Lail Read Online

Surah Al Lail Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Al Lail is the 92nd Surah and found in Parah 30.There are 21 verses, 87 words, and 313 letters in this Surah, referred to as the “Makki” Surah because it was revealed in Makka.The Night is the name of this surah.

Surah Al Lail Read Online

The opening verses of Surah Al-Lail state that Allah created humans in the best form, but they can degrade themselves to the lowest levels due to their own choices and actions. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude and righteousness, promising rewards for those who believe and do righteous deeds. Conversely, it warns of consequences for those who deny the truth and indulge in wrongdoing.

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21 87 313 1

Surah Al Lail (سورۃ اللیل)

Benefits Of Surah Al Lail

Surah Al-Lail holds significance in Islamic teachings, and Muslims believe in the spiritual and practical benefits of reciting and reflecting upon its verses. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Al-Lail.

  • Spiritual Guidance: Surah Al-Lail provides spiritual guidance by emphasizing the importance of righteousness, gratitude, and accountability in the eyes of Allah.
  • Encouragement for Good Deeds: The surah encourages believers to engage in acts of kindness, charity, and other righteous deeds. It motivates individuals to strive for moral excellence and positive actions.
  • Reminder of Accountability: Surah Al-Lail serves as a reminder of the Day of Judgment, where individuals will be held accountable for their deeds. This awareness can inspire a sense of responsibility and mindfulness in one’s actions.
  • Emphasis on Gratitude: The surah underscores the significance of being grateful to Allah for the blessings and abilities bestowed upon individuals. Gratitude is considered a virtue that leads to further blessings.
  • Motivation for Self-Improvement: Through its verses, Surah Al-Lail motivates believers to continuously strive for self-improvement and moral development. It encourages a positive transformation in character and behavior.
  • Protection from Negative Influences: Some believe that regularly reciting Surah Al-Lail can act as a shield against negative influences and temptations, providing spiritual protection.
  • Seeking Allah Mercy: Believers recite Surah Al-Lail to seek Allah mercy and forgiveness. It is seen as a means to draw closer to Allah and seek His guidance in navigating life challenges.


Surah Al-Lail, the 92nd chapter of the Quran, holds significance with 21 verses, 87 words, and 313 letters. Revealed in Makka, it emphasizes the consequences of human choices and the importance of gratitude and righteousness. Believers find spiritual guidance, encouragement for good deeds, and reminders of accountability in its verses. Reciting it is believed to offer protection, motivation for self-improvement, and a means to seek Allah mercy and forgiveness.

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