Surah Al Kahf Read Online

Surah Al Kahf Read Online

Surah Al Kahf Read Online Known as Makki Surah, Surah Kahf (The cave) is the 18th Surah in the Quran, with 110 verses, 1742 words, and 6482 letters. It is found in the 15th and 16th Juzz of the Quran.

Surah Al Kahf Read Online

Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said that reciting Surah Al Kahf on Friday will protect one from evil between two Fridays and bring him light (Noor).

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Surah Kahf Verses Surah Kahf Words Surah Kahf letters Surah Kahf Rukus
110 1742 6482 12

Surah Al Kahf (سورۃالکھف)

The benefits of reciting Surah Kahf on Jummah (Frida.

Reciting Surah Kahf on Jummah (Friday) is considered a blessed and recommended practice in Islamic traditions. This surah is renowned for the teachings and benefits mentioned in the ahadith (sayings) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Protection from Dajjal (Antichrist): Those who recite Surah Kahf are granted protection from the trials of Dajjal. The surah discusses the signs of Dajjal arrival and provides guidance on safeguarding oneself from his mischief.
  2. Increase in Blessings: Reciting Surah Kahf on Jummah enhances blessings for the upcoming week. The surah emphasizes the mercy and virtues of Allah that descend upon those who recite it.
  3. Guidance and Wisdom: Surah Kahf imparts guidance and wisdom to its readers. It emphasizes Allah mercy, wisdom, and abundance.
  4. Forgiveness of Sins: Reciting Surah Kahf on Jummah may lead to the forgiveness of sins through Allah’s grace. The surah serves as a means of seeking forgiveness and mercy.
  5. Illumination of the Heart: Reciting Surah Kahf enlightens and purifies the heart, fostering a brighter understanding of faith. The recitation contributes to the radiance of faith in one’s heart.


Surah Al Kahf, a Makki Surah, is the 18th in the Quran with 110 verses, 1742 words, and 6482 letters. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended reciting it on Fridays for protection and divine light. It guards against Dajjal trials, brings blessings, imparts guidance, forgives sins, and illuminates the heart. Online access is available, enhancing its significance in Islamic practice.


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