Surah Al Humazah Read Online

Surah Al Humazah Read Online

Surah Al Humazah Read Online Al Humazah is 104 Surah and found in Parah 30 of the Holy Quran. It is revealed in Makka, so it is referred to as the Makki Surah, and it contains 9 verses, 35 words, and 134 letters. The Slanderer is the name of this surah.

Surah Al Humazah Read Online

Reciting Surah Al-Humazah is encouraged for seeking protection from engaging in backbiting, repentance, and fostering a conscious awareness of moral conduct. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of negative actions and the need for seeking Allah forgiveness.

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Surah Al Humazah (سورۃالھمزہ)

Benefits Of Surah Al Humaza 

Surah Al Humazah the 104th chapter of the Quran, is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. Here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Al Humazah.

  • Reflection on Slander: The surah highlights the consequences of slandering and mocking others. Reciting it prompts believers to reflect on the harm caused by negative speech and encourages them to avoid such behavior.
  • Seeking Protection: Some believe that regular recitation of Surah Al Humazah can act as a means of seeking protection from engaging in backbiting and slander.
  • Repentance and Forgiveness: The surah serves as a reminder of the consequences of sinful behavior. Reciting it is associated with seeking Allah forgiveness and repenting for any wrongdoing.
  • Cultivation of Consciousness: Surah Al Humazah encourages believers to be conscious of their words and actions. Reciting it is believed to foster a heightened awareness of moral conduct and accountability.
  • Protection from Arrogance: The surah warns against arrogance and pride. Regular recitation is seen as a means of protection from developing a haughty attitude and harming others through mockery.
  • Reminder of Accountability: The verses emphasize the accountability individuals will face for their deeds. Reciting Surah Al Humazah prompts believers to reflect on their actions and strive for righteousness.
  • Spiritual Upliftment: The surah is recited for spiritual upliftment and a deeper connection with Allah. Its verses are believed to bring about a sense of humility and a desire for spiritual growth.
  • Seeking Allah Guidance: Believers recite Surah Al Humazah to seek Allah guidance in refraining from harmful speech and cultivating a heart free from malice.
  • Purification of Character: Regular recitation is associated with purifying one character and promoting kindness and empathy toward others.
  • Reflection on the Hereafter: Surah Al Humazah serves as a reminder of the consequences in the Hereafter for one actions in this world. Reciting it encourages reflection on the transient nature of life and the importance of preparing for the afterlife.


Surah Al Humazah the 104th chapter of the Quran, is revealed in Makkah and consists of nine verses. Known as “The Slanderer” it emphasizes the consequences of negative speech, particularly backbiting and mockery. Reciting this surah is believed to offer protection from engaging in slander, encourage repentance, and foster awareness of moral conduct. It serves as a reminder of accountability, prompting believers to seek forgiveness and cultivate virtues while reflecting on the transient nature of life and preparing for the Hereafter.

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