Surah Al Feel Read Online

Surah Al Feel Read Online
 Surah Al Feel Read Online The Surah Al Feel is found in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran. In this Surah, there are 5 verses, 24 words, 96 letters, and it was revealed in “Makka” so it was called the “Makki” Surah. The Elephant is the name of this surah.

Surah Al Feel Read Online

The Surah narrates an incident involving Abraha, an Abyssinian ruler who attempted to destroy the Kaaba with an army that included elephants. However, Allah intervened and sent birds carrying stones to defeat the army and protect the sacred site.

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Surah Verses Surah Words Surah letters Surah Rukus
5 24 96 1

Surah Al Feel

Benefits Of Surah Al Feel

Surah Al Fil (The Elephant) is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Al Fil

  • Protection from Harm: Some believe that regularly reciting Surah Al Fil can act as a means of seeking protection from harm and calamities, invoking Allah safeguarding.
  • Supplication for Protection: The surah serves as a supplication for protection from external threats and dangers, symbolized by the story of Allah intervention to protect the Kaaba.
  • Remembrance of Divine Power: Reciting the surah reminds believers of Allah supreme power and ability to protect His sacred places and those who seek refuge in Him.
  • Faith Strengthening: Surah Al Fil reinforces faith in Allah ability to intervene in the affairs of the world and protect His worshippers from any harm.
  • Connection with Historical Events: The surah narrates a historical event involving the attempted destruction of the Kaaba, fostering a connection with the rich history of Islam.
  • Inspiration for Perseverance: The story of Abraha defeat by birds carrying stones serves as inspiration for believers to persevere in the face of challenges, relying on Allah assistance.
  • Gratitude for the Kaaba: Reciting the surah prompts believers to express gratitude for the preservation of the Kaaba and the significance of the sacred site in Islam.
  • Reflection on Divine Will: Surah Al Fil encourages reflection on the concept of divine will and how Allah plan can thwart the plans of those who seek to harm the righteous.
  • Protection of Sacred Spaces: Believers may recite Surah Al Fil as a means of seeking Allah’s protection for all sacred places and symbols of Islam.
  • Hope and Trust in Allah: The surah instills hope and trust in Allah mercy and protection, encouraging believers to rely on Him in times of difficulty.


Surah Al Fil  found in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran, narrates the historical incident involving Abraha’s attempt to destroy the Kaaba. With 5 verses, 24 words, and 96 letters, it was revealed in Makka, earning the title “Makki” Surah. The Elephant symbolizes the surah, highlighting Allah intervention to protect the sacred site. Reciting it is believed to offer protection, strengthen faith, and foster gratitude and trust in Allah mercy.

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