Surah Al Fatiha Read Online

Surah Al Fatiha Read Online

Surah Al Fatiha Read Online The first Surah of the Holy Quran is Surah al Fatihah, considered both Makki and Madani since it was revealed in both Makka and Madina. There are seven verses in this Surah. It is mandatory to recite Surah Al Fatiha during every prayer. The Holy Quran contains it in the first para (juz).

Surah Al Fatiha Read Online

A person who recites Surah Fatihah is rewarded with benefits comparable to reciting two-thirds of the Holy Quran.

According to Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), Surah Fatiha cures all diseases except death.

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Surah Al Fatiha

Benefits Of Surah Al Fatiha

Surah Al-Fatiha, also known as “The Opening” or “The Opener,” is the first chapter of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is a highly significant and revered chapter with several benefits and virtues attributed to it by Islamic tradition. Here are some of the key benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha:

  1. Opening of Prayer (Salat): Surah Al-Fatiha is an essential component of the Islamic prayer (Salat). It is recited in every unit (Rak’ah) of the obligatory prayer. It serves as an opening supplication, allowing Muslims to establish a connection with Allah and seek His guidance.
  2. Guidance: The Surah begins by praising Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and seeking His guidance. Muslims believe that reciting Al-Fatiha in prayer helps them seek divine guidance in their daily lives.
  3. Cure and Healing: Some Islamic traditions suggest that Surah Al-Fatiha possesses healing properties. It is believed that reciting it with sincerity and faith can aid in physical and spiritual healing.
  4. Spiritual Upliftment: Reciting Al-Fatiha is seen as a means of purifying one’s heart and soul. It is an act of worship that can bring tranquility, peace, and spiritual fulfillment to the individual reciting it.
  5. Remembrance of Allah: The Surah serves as a reminder of Allah’s attributes and the importance of acknowledging His sovereignty. It encourages believers to maintain a constant awareness of Allah in their lives.
  6. Intercession: In Islamic tradition, it is believed that Surah Al-Fatiha can serve as a means of intercession on the Day of Judgment, where it may plead on behalf of the person who regularly recites it.
  7. Protection: Some Muslims recite Surah Al-Fatiha for protection against evil and harm. It is believed to act as a shield or a means of seeking Allah’s protection.
  8. Unity: Surah Al-Fatiha emphasizes the concept of monotheism and the oneness of Allah. It serves as a unifying force for Muslims worldwide, as it is recited in their daily prayers, uniting them in their worship of the one true God.
  9. Gratitude: By reciting Al-Fatiha, Muslims express gratitude to Allah for His blessings, guidance, and mercy.
  10. Learning and Teaching: Surah Al-Fatiha is often one of the first chapters of the Quran that Muslims learn. It is also used as a teaching tool for new converts to Islam, making it a fundamental part of Islamic education.

It’s important to note that the benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha are deeply rooted in Islamic faith and tradition. Many Muslims recite it regularly as an act of devotion, seeking the spiritual and psychological benefits it offers while striving to deepen their connection with Allah.


Surah Al-Fatiha is a fundamental chapter of the Quran in Islam, and it holds a significant place in the hearts and lives of Muslims. Its benefits and virtues are deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition and practice. This chapter serves as an opening prayer in the Islamic daily prayers, guiding believers to seek Allah’s guidance, protection, and healing.

It also fosters a sense of unity among Muslims worldwide and reminds them of the oneness of Allah. Moreover, Surah Al-Fatiha is a source of spiritual upliftment, gratitude, and a means of intercession on the Day of Judgment for those who recite it with faith and sincerity. Overall, Surah Al-Fatiha is a powerful and meaningful aspect of Islamic worship and devotion.

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