Surah Al Buruj Read Online

Surah Al Buruj Read Online

Surah Al Buruj Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Al Buruj is the 85th Surah and is found in Parah 30. It contains 22 verses, 124 words, and 461 letters, and it was revealed in Makka, so it is referred to as the Makki Surah. This surah is called The Big Stars.

Surah Al Buruj Read Online

The Surah narrates historical events, particularly the persecution of believers and the consequences for the oppressors. Muslims recite Surah Al-Buruj to draw lessons in steadfastness, patience, and the pursuit of justice in the face of adversity.

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Surah Al Buruj (سورۃ البروج)

Benefits Of Surah Al Burooj

While beliefs and interpretations may vary, some perceived benefits of reciting Surah Al-Burooj from the Quran include

  • Protection from Oppression: Muslims believe that reciting this Surah may provide protection from oppression and injustice.
  • Strengthening Faith: Regular recitation is thought to strengthen one faith in Allah and the teachings of Islam.
  • Lessons in Perseverance: The Surah narrates historical events that emphasize the perseverance of believers in the face of persecution, serving as a source of inspiration.
  • Spiritual Connection: Reciting Surah Al-Burooj is believed to strengthen one’s spiritual connection with Allah.
  • Seeking Justice: The Surah encourages believers to seek justice and stand against oppression, promoting ethical and moral conduct.


Surah Al-Burooj the 85th chapter in the 30th Parah is a Makki Surah with 22 verses, 124 words, and 461 letters. Titled “The Big Stars” it narrates historical events, emphasizing believer perseverance against persecution. Muslims recite it for protection from oppression, strengthening faith, finding inspiration, deepening spiritual connection, and promoting justice and ethical conduct. Reading Surah Al-Burooj online offers accessibility to its teachings.


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