Surah Al Bayyinah Read Online

Surah Al Bayyinah Read Online

Surah Al Bayyinah Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Al Baiyinah is the 98th Surah and the 30th Parah. The Surah contains eight verses, 103 words, and 396 letters, and it was revealed in Madina, hence the name “Madni” Surah. The Clear Evidence is the name of this

Surah Al Bayyinah Read Online

Surah Al Bayyinah highlights the distinction between those who accept the message with conviction and those who reject it. It also acknowledges the People of the Book and their responsibility to follow the guidance revealed to them.

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8 103 396 1

Surah Al Bayyinah (سورۃالبینۃ)

Benefits Of Surah Al bayyinah 

Surah Al Bayyinah is believed to offer various spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. Here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Al Bayyinah.

  • Clarification of Guidance: The surah serves as a clear evidence and clarification of the divine guidance provided in the Quran. Reciting it is believed to strengthen one understanding of the Quranic message.
  • Confirmation of Prophethood: Surah Al Bayyinah confirms the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) and the truthfulness of his message. Believers recite it to reaffirm their faith in the finality of prophethood.
  • Emphasis on Righteous Actions: The surah highlights the importance of righteous deeds and adherence to the guidance of Allah. Reciting it is associated with a reminder to lead a life in accordance with Islamic principles.
  • Recognition of the Messenger: Surah Al Bayyinah acknowledges the Messenger of Allah and his role in conveying the clear message to humanity. Reciting it is seen as a means of expressing gratitude for the guidance brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Increase in Faith: Believers recite Surah Al Bayyinah to strengthen their faith in Allah and His Messenger. It serves as a source of inspiration for a deeper connection with Islamic teachings.
  • Protection from Falsehood: The surah is believed to act as a shield against falsehood and misguidance. Regular recitation is seen as a means of seeking protection from deviating from the straight path.
  • Seeking Allah Pleasure: Surah Al Bayyinah encourages believers to seek Allah pleasure by following His guidance. Reciting it is associated with a sincere desire to please Allah through righteous actions.
  • Understanding of Faith: The surah enhances the understanding of fundamental concepts of faith and the significance of following the teachings of Islam. Reciting it is considered a means of gaining deeper insights into the faith.


Surah Al Bayyinah, the 98th chapter in the Quran, is a Madinan Surah with eight verses, 103 words, and 396 letters, revealed in Madina. Titled “The Clear Evidence” it distinguishes between believers and those who reject the message, emphasizing divine guidance. Reading online or downloading in PDF is available. Benefits include enhanced faith, protection from falsehood, seeking Allah pleasure, and deeper understanding of Islamic principles.

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