Surah Ad Duha Read Online

Surah Ad Duha Read Online

Surah Ad Duha Read Online The Holy Quran Surah Ad Duha is the 93rd Surah and the 30th Parah. It contains 11 verses, 49 words, and 164 letters, and it was revealed in Makka, which is why it is called the Makki Surah. As its name suggests, this surah is called The Forenoon after Sunrise.

Surah Ad Duha Read Online

Surah Ad Duha is often recited for seeking solace, encouragement during difficult moments, and expressing gratitude for Allah countless blessings. Its verses inspire believers to maintain faith and patience, especially in times of adversity.

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11 49 164 1

Surah Ad Duha (سورۃ الضحی)

Benefits Of Surah Ad Duha 

Surah Ad-Duha is believed to have several spiritual and practical benefits for those who recite and reflect upon its verses. Here are some commonly cited benefits associated with Surah Ad Duha.

  • Comfort and Reassurance: The surah begins with reassurance from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), conveying a message of comfort and support. Reciting it is thought to bring a sense of peace and reassurance to the reader.
  • Hope and Optimism: Ad Duha emphasizes the idea that after difficulty comes ease, encouraging believers to remain hopeful and optimistic during challenging times. Reciting this surah is seen as a source of inspiration and motivation.
  • Expression of Gratitude: The surah encourages gratitude for the blessings of Allah, acknowledging that He has not abandoned His servant. Reciting Ad Duha is considered an expression of gratitude and acknowledgment of Allah mercy.
  • Seeking Allah Favor: Believers recite Surah Ad Duha to seek Allah’s favor, blessings, and guidance. It is often recited as a means of asking for divine help and support.
  • Protection from Despair: Ad Duha is believed to protect individuals from falling into despair and hopelessness. Its verses remind believers that Allah’s plans are perfect, and difficulties are temporary.
  • Spiritual Upliftment: Reciting Surah Ad Duha is thought to provide spiritual upliftment, fostering a connection with Allah and deepening one faith.
  • Cleansing the Heart: Some believe that the recitation of Surah Ad Duha has a purifying effect on the heart, helping to remove negativity and bring about inner peace.


Surah Ad Duha, the 93rd chapter in the Quran and part of the 30th Parah, was revealed in Makka. With 11 verses, 49 words, and 164 letters, it is known as a Makki Surah. Titled  it provides solace during challenges and encourages gratitude for Allah blessings. Reciting it fosters hope, optimism, and spiritual upliftment, offering believers comfort and a means to seek Allah favor and protection from despair.



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