Surah Abasa Read Online

Surah Abasa Read Online

Surah Abasa Read Online In the Holy Quran, Surah Abasa is the 80th Surah and the 30th Parah. The Makki Surah contains 42 verses, 151 words, and 552 letters, and it was revealed in Makka. Surah The Frowned is the name of this surah.

Surah Abasa Read Online

Its title “Abasa,” translates to “He frowned” referencing an incident involving Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a blind man. The Surah emphasizes humility and the consequences of neglecting divine guidance. Muslims recite it for spiritual reflection and seek lessons on the importance of humility and responsiveness to God’s messages. Reading Surah Abasa online provides an opportunity to understand and internalize its teachings.

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42 151 552 1

Surah Abasa (سورۃ عبس)

Benefits Of Surah Abasa

While individual beliefs and interpretations may vary, some common perceived benefits of reciting Surah Abasa from the Quran include

  • Spiritual Reflection: Reciting Surah Abasa is believed to encourage deep spiritual contemplation and self-reflection.
  • Humility: The Surah underscores the importance of humility, and reciting it is thought to help individuals cultivate a humble and respectful demeanor.
  • Guidance: Muslims believe that engaging with the verses of Surah Abasa provides guidance on leading a righteous and God-conscious life.
  • Forgiveness: Some believe that reciting this Surah may seek forgiveness for past mistakes and shortcomings.
  • Understanding Consequences: The Surah discusses the consequences of neglecting divine guidance, serving as a reminder of the importance of heeding God messages.


Surah Abasa is the 80th chapter in the Holy Quran, part of the 30th Parah. A Makki Surah revealed in Makkah, it comprises 42 verses, 151 words, and 552 letters. Titled “The Frowned,” it recounts an incident involving Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a blind man, emphasizing humility and the consequences of neglecting divine guidance. Muslims recite it for spiritual reflection, seeking lessons on humility. Reading Surah Abasa online facilitates understanding and internalization of its teachings.




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