Virtues of the Second Decade of Ramadan

Second Decade of Ramadan

Ramadan, a precious month appears with a lot of blessings. It is a month for which we wait a whole year and when we enter it, life patterns change. With each passing day, we begin to feel lighter. The burden of grief begins to lift from our hearts, and we become very close to Allah and share all our problems with Allah.

The Holy month, Ramadan is divided into three decades. Every decade has its significance and blessings associated with it. The middle 10 days (11th to 20th) refers to the second decade—this period is regarded as forgiveness. This is the time when a person seeks forgiveness for the sins he has committed. Allah is the most Merciful and most Forgiving. He never leaves his servants alone and provides them with opportunities for forgiveness.

Unlocking the Rewards – Second Decade of Ramadan

During the middle ten days, Muslims have precious time to unlock rewards moving towards them fast. It is a time to seek forgiveness from Allah. It is a time to apologize for one’s actions. Those who ask to pray more with a sincere heart become succeed. Muslims are encouraged to spend more time in worship, prayers, and good deeds.

Dua for the Second Decade of Ramadan

“I ask forgiveness of my sins from Allah who is my Lord and I turn towards Him.”

The second decade is full of blessings, it’s a time to pay attention to your past sins. It is a valuable time to choose the right path and seek mercy with a pure heart.

Good Deeds to do in 2nd Decade

Islam teaches us to do good deeds at every step of life, but as humans, we commit sins somewhere. We should do good deeds throughout the year, but we should increase this action in the blessed month of Ramadan because every good deed is rewarded more. Some good deeds include;

  1. Act of charity
  2. Seek forgiveness with a pure heart
  3. Showing kindness and generosity to others
  4. Feeding the needy
  5. Increase prayers

Spiritual Growth and Renewal:

A person must have good physical health as well as spiritual health. Just as physical is important for a human being, Spiritual health is also an important factor that makes a man satisfied with his life. Spirituality is related to Allah, related to our deen. We can get it through our religious services, prayers, and good conduct. We get into a deep relationship with Allah. A person takes a new direction in his life, goes to a new world, gets rid of his sins, and starts life from a new point.


Ramadan is not just a holy month, it’s an opportunity to get spiritual growth and get a way closer to Allah. It is a time of blessing, a precious period to seek forgiveness from the Almighty. Every decade has its significance, the second decade of Ramadan refers to the middle days of this Holy month.

We have a good time to strengthen our faith and worship. You should do as many good deeds as you can so that Allah shower his countless blessings on you. Try to set a routine and a specific time and place to remember Allah, and beg for His mercy.


What is the significance of the second decade?

It holds great significance as it leads you to seek forgiveness, strengthen your bond with Allah, and pray more.

What are some ways to act charity and kindness to people during the second decade?

You should consider practising in community services. Donate to poor and needy ones.

How could I maintain energy and focus during fasting in this decade?

To maintain energy and focus during this decade try to engage in physical activities that will help you to stay active, and engage yourself in religious practices.

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