Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 k Namaz Ka Tariqa Niyat or Dua

Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 k Namaz Ka Tariqa Niyat or Dua

Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 k Namaz Ka Tariqa Niyat or Dua Eid is not merely a celebration; it holds significant spiritual value for Muslims. By adhering to the teachings of Shariah and following the example of Rasulullah Sallahu Alaihi Wa Salam, a Muslim can gain substantial rewards and draw closer to Allah on this auspicious day.

Sunnah Of The Day Of Eid

1. Getting up as early as possible (in fact, much of this night should be spent in Ibadah).
2. Making Ghusal and using Miswaak.
3. Dress according to Shariah (Sunnah dress) in one’s best clothes.
4. Applying itr.
5. Eat anything sweet (such as dates) before Eid salaah.
6. Arrive at the “Musalla” as early as possible.
7. Before leaving for the Musalla, give Sadaqatul-Fitr.
8. When returning from Musalla, choose a different route. 9. Walking to the Musalla. If the Musalla is far away, there is no harm in using any means of conveyance.

Eid ul Fitr Takbir reading

English Translation of Eid Takbir


Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest;
There is no god but Allah Allah is the Greatest.
Allah is the Greatest and all praise is for Him.

Eid Masail (Rules)

1. There should be no Nafl Salaah in the Musalla before or after Eid Salaah.

2. It is undesirable to perform the Eid Salaah anywhere other than the Musalla without a valid reason.

3. Listening to both Khutbah after Eid Salaah is vital. Even if the Khutbah cannot be heard, it must still be read

Please remain seated until the end of the Khutbah. Listening to the Khutbah is sinful.

4. To avoid confusion, if an error is made in Eid Salaah that requires Sajdah-Sahwa, the Sajdah-Sahwa can be omitted.

The method of performing Eid Salaah

Eid Ul Fitr k Namaz ki Niyat

In English: “I am performing the two Rakats of Eid Salah, which are obligatory, along with six additional Takbirs, also obligatory.

In Urdu:

نیت کی ہے میں نے 2 رکعتیں نماز واجب عید الفطر کی، ضاہد 6 تکبیروں کے ساتھ، محرم کعبہ کی طرف، اور اس امام کے پیچھے، اللہ اکبر۔

  1. Begin by intending Eid-ul-Fitr for the two obligatory Rakats as mentioned. Lift your hands to your ears, saying ‘Allahu Akbar,’ then fold them below the navel.
  2. Proceed with ‘Sana.’ After saying ‘Allahu Akbar,‘ lift your hands to your ears, release them, repeat the process twice, and fold your hands after the first and fourth Takbeers.
  3. If the Imam recites after a Takbeer, fold your hands; if not, release them.
  4. After the fourth Takbeer, the Imam silently recites ‘A’udhubillah’ and ‘Bismillah,’ followed by Surah al-Fatiha and another Surah aloud, completing one Rakat.
  5. In the second Rakat, the Imam recites Alhamdu and a Surah. Lift your hands, saying ‘Allahu Akbar,’ without folding them, repeat twice, and on the fourth time, say ‘Allahu Akbar’ and go into Ruku without lifting your hands.”

Prohibition of Eid Prayers for Women

Females are not allowed to perform Eid prayers due to the anticipated mixing of men and women in the Eidgah. This restriction extends to congregational prayers in Masajid, covering both Jum’ah and Eidain, regardless of age or time. This guideline is explicitly stated in Tanwir al-Absar and al-Durr al-Mukhtar on page 114.

Lissen This Video About Namaz Of Eid ul Adha

Benefits of Following Eid Sunnah and Rules

  1. Spiritual Rewards: Adhering to the Sunnah and rules of Eid helps a Muslim gain substantial spiritual rewards, drawing them closer to Allah.
  2. Unity and Community: Following the Sunnah of Eid, such as giving Sadaqatul-Fitr, dressing in one best clothes, and arriving at the Musalla early, promotes a sense of unity and community among Muslims.
  3. Remembrance of Allah: The recitation of Takbirs and engaging in Ibadah on the day of Eid serves as a reminder of Allah greatness and fosters a deeper connection with the divine.

FAQs About Eid Al Adha

Q) Why is it important to get up early on the day of Eid?

Ans: Getting up early allows for more time to engage in acts of worship (Ibadah) and start the day with a positive and spiritually uplifting mindset.

Q) Why is it recommended to give Sadaqatul-Fitr before leaving for the Musalla?

Ans: Giving Sadaqatul-Fitr before Eid prayers ensures that those in need receive assistance, allowing them to partake in the festivities and celebrations of Eid.

Q) Why is there a prohibition on Eid prayers for women in congregational settings?

Ans: The prohibition on Eid prayers for women is to avoid mixing of men and women in the congregational prayer setting, maintaining a level of modesty and decorum in accordance with Islamic guidelines.


Eid is not just a celebration but a spiritually significant day for Muslims. Following the Sunnah and rules, including early rising, cleanliness, and charity, brings substantial rewards and strengthens the connection with Allah. The Eid Takbir emphasizes Allah greatness. Rules for Eid prayers, including listening to the Khutbah, are crucial. The prohibition of Eid prayers for women ensures modesty. By adhering to these practices, Muslims experience unity, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with Allah during this auspicious occasion.

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