Dua When Waking UP from Sleep Read Online

Dua When Waking UP from Sleep Read Online

Dua When Waking UP from Sleep Read Online The meaning of Dua When Waking Up from Sleep or Neend Se Bedar Hone Ki Dua in Urdu has made it easier for you to read it now. With translations, you can memorize this supplication or dua on many different occasions. It is beneficial to say this dua when you wake up from sleep for several reasons.

نیند سے بیدار ہونے کی دعا

الْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ

تمام تعریفیں اللہ عزوجل کے لئے جس نے ہمیں موت (نیند) کے بعد حیات (بیداری) عطا فرمائی اور ہمیں اسی طرف لوٹنا ہے۔

All Praise onto Allah (Almighty) Who granted us life after death (Sleep) and we are return to him.

Benefits of Reading Dua When Waking UP from Sleep (Neend Se Bedar Hone Ki Dua)

Dua means summoning or calling out in Arabic. Also known as supplication, invocation, or prayer. Islam places a great deal of emphasis on it. In one hadith, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) emphasized the importance of dua in worship. The truthfulness of a person’s prayer strengthens his/her belief in Allah. Another very beneficial dua is when you wake up from a deep sleep (Neend Se Bedar Hone Ki Dua).

Dua is a powerful and effective form of worship. In any place and at any time, it gives the feeling of being connected to Allah. Every Muslim calls on Allah several times throughout the day and night. According to the Holy Quran, Allah encourages people to call upon him since he alone can lay our uncertainties, hopes, dreams, and fears to rest. As a result, believers feel more connected to Allah, and their faith is raised, and their hope and relief are offered as well.

In Islam, there is a dua for almost every act. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) taught the dua to his Ummah for many different matters, including safety, family, food, travel, sickness, dressing, and so on. The Neend Se Bedar Hone Ki Dua is one of the most important supplications when waking from sleep.

As Muslims, we should memorize two duas, including Neend Se Bedar Hone Ki Dua (When Waking Up From Sleep). We will not only be protected from harm, but our lives will be enlightened with various blessings as well. This dua can be read here and shared easily with friends and family. There are also pages with other supplications that you can read.

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