chatta kalma read online

Chatta Kalma Read Online

chatta kalma read onlineThe “Chatta Kalma” or the “Sixth Kalima” holds a significant place within Islamic teachings, encapsulating core beliefs that are integral to the faith. This declaration serves as a profound affirmation of the oneness of Allah and the unequivocal acceptance of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the final Messenger. The Sixth Kalima stands as a testament to the fundamental principles of Tawheed (monotheism) and Risalat (prophethood), embodying the essence of Islamic belief.

By reciting the “Chatta Kalma,” believers reaffirm their devotion to these principles, reinforcing their commitment to the teachings of Islam. This Kalima plays a vital role in strengthening the foundations of faith and deepening the connection between Muslims and their Creator.

What Is Chatta Kalma

The “Chatta Kalma” or the “Sixth Kalima” is also known as the “Kalma Radde Kufr” or the “Rejecting Disbelief Declaration.” It is a declaration within Islam that is recited by believers to firmly reject disbelief and false beliefs. The text of the Sixth Kalima is as follows:

لَاٹَأِفُ اِنَّ اللّٰہَ لَا یُحِبُّ کُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ اَکُلَّ فَخُوْرٍ

La ilaha illallah Muhammadur rasulullah.


“There is no deity but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

This declaration reinforces the core beliefs of Tawheed (oneness of Allah) and Risalat (prophethood) in Islam. By reciting the Sixth Kalima, Muslims affirm their commitment to monotheism and acknowledge the finality of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ message. It is a statement of faith, rejecting all false gods and asserting the singular authority of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ.

The Sixth Kalima holds a significant place in Islamic teachings as it affirms the foundational principles of the faith and reinforces the concept of rejecting disbelief and embracing true belief.

Chatta Kalma Read Online

Benefits of Chatta Kalma

While there may not be an extensive list of specific benefits associated with reciting the “Chatta Kalma” (Sixth Kalima), its recitation holds spiritual significance for Muslims. Here are some potential benefits:

Strengthening Faith:

Reciting the Chatta Kalma reaffirms the core principles of Tawheed (monotheism) and Risalat (prophethood) in Islam. This reaffirmation strengthens a believer’s faith and deepens their understanding of the fundamental beliefs of the religion.

Rejecting Disbelief:

By reciting the Chatta Kalma, Muslims explicitly reject disbelief and false beliefs. This act serves as a strong declaration of one’s commitment to the authentic teachings of Islam and the rejection of any form of polytheism or idolatry.

Unity and Identity:

The Chatta Kalma unifies Muslims by emphasizing the centrality of belief in Allah’s oneness and the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ. It reinforces a shared identity and faith among believers from different backgrounds.

Protection from Misguidance:

Reciting the Chatta Kalma is a way to protect oneself from being led astray by false beliefs or practices. It serves as a shield against deviating from the true path of Islam.

Affirmation of Prophethood:

By declaring Muhammad ﷺ as the Messenger of Allah, Muslims acknowledge the pivotal role of the final prophet in conveying Allah’s message. This affirmation helps believers remain steadfast in following his teachings.

Spiritual Connection:

The act of reciting the Chatta Kalma fosters a deep connection with Allah and the teachings of Islam. It reminds believers of their purpose and responsibilities as followers of the faith.

Internal Reflection:

Reciting the Chatta Kalma encourages believers to reflect on the significance of their beliefs and the implications for their actions and choices. This introspection can lead to personal growth and a stronger sense of moral consciousness.

Continual Reminder:

Regularly reciting the Chatta Kalma serves as a constant reminder of one’s faith and commitment to the principles of Islam. It can help believers stay mindful of their beliefs in their daily lives.

It’s important to note that the spiritual benefits of reciting any part of the Quran or Islamic declarations are deeply personal and can vary from person to person. Muslims find solace, guidance, and a sense of purpose through their devotion to these teachings, including the recitation of the Chatta Kalma.


In conclusion, the recitation of the “Chatta Kalma” or Sixth Kalima in Islam holds a multitude of benefits. It reinforces faith, unity, and rejection of disbelief while affirming core principles of Tawheed and Risalat. This declaration safeguards believers from misguidance and nurtures a profound connection with Allah and the teachings of Islam. By acknowledging the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ and rejecting false beliefs, Muslims establish a strong identity and continuously remind themselves of their faith’s tenets. Ultimately, the Chatta Kalma serves as a powerful means of spiritual growth and devotion in the journey of a devout believer.


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