Agar Eid K Namaz Ki Koi takbeer Rah Jain To Kya Karain

Agar Eid K Namaz Ki Koi takbeer Rah Jain To Kya Karain

Eid is a joyous occasion, every year on 1st shawwal celebrated by Muslims worldwide. The Eid day begins with the Eid prayer after the Fajr prayer. Now the question arises what should be done if anyone misses Takbeer Eid prayer? If a person misses one of the takbeers during the Eid prayer, they should continue with the prayer and perform the remaining takbeers. It is important to maintain focus and complete the prayer as usual.

After completing the prayer, they can perform the missed takbeer as a compensatory action, known as “sujood as-sahw” or prostration of forgetfulness. This involves performing two additional prostrations before ending the prayer, to compensate for any mistakes or omissions made during the prayer.

Listen to the Video Provided Below for Further Details

How many rakats are there in the Eid prayer?

There are only two rakats in this prayer. Both two are important to perform. You can’t miss any rakat, if you miss it, it will not be acceptable. In Eid prayer making intension is important. 

Prayer with the congregation:

Many scholars emphasize that the Eid prayer should be offered in congregation. It is a day of great joy and should be celebrated with mutual agreement. When people perform congregational prayers in one place, it fosters a feeling of love and brotherhood.

How to perform Eid prayer? 

Eid prayer consists of two rakats. Before starting it, making the intention is crucial. You need to recite takbeers. At the beginning of the prayer, say the first takbeer and raise your hands to your ears. Then place your hands below your navel and recite the praise(Sanaa). After that say the Takbir and release your hands. Similarly, in the second unit, say the Takbeer raises your hands to your ears and completes 2 rakats. 

What is an important action to take before asking Eid Mubarak?

Before asking Eid Mubarak it is important to say Asslam Alaikum as it is a significant norm of the Islamic religion, which has been ordered repeatedly in Islam, but people have been lax in this process.

FAQs About Eid Prayer

Q) How to read Eid Takbeer?

When you say “Allahu Akbar” (the opening takbir), men should raise their hands to their ears, while women should raise their hands to their shoulders. This is followed by the Imam reciting multiple takbirs. “And you should also recite it alongside.”

Q) Is it 6 or 12 takbeer in Eid prayer?

When “Allah-Hu-Akbar” is said to begin the prayer, one raises his hands to his ears, which is called Takbeer in Arabic. In normal prayers, ‘takbeer’ is said only once, but in Eid prayers, you must repeat ‘takbeer’ 12 times in two rakahs

Q) What is the Sunnah of Eid takbeer?

As Muslims leave their homes for the Eid prayer, they should recite the takbeer (“Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa Lillahil Hamd“) until the prayer begins.


If a takbeer is missed during Eid prayer, continue and complete the remaining takbeers, maintaining focus. Afterward, perform “sujood as-sahw” to compensate. Refer to the video for details. During Eid Takbeer, raise hands to ears for men, shoulders for women. 12 takbeers are recited across two rak’ahs. Before Eid prayer, recite takbeer (“Allahu Akbar…”) while leaving home.

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